A loan helped to purchase retail goods to stock her business.

Madeline's story

Madeline lives in a suburb just 10 minutes drive to Port Vila City. Her community is quite large and due to Covid-19 affecting Vanuatu's tourism economy the majority of the population are unemployed. It can be difficult in times to earn a steady revenue. Madeline is 30 years of age who lives with her husband and two children in her father's house.

She has requested a loan to purchase retail goods to stock up her retail shop to better provide for her valuable customers. The shop was handed down to her by her father as a wedding gift in 1999. Her husband is unemployed and helps her manage the shop. Madeline dreams of becoming one of the largest shops in her community. With the revenue she earns she will save up to purchase a piece of land and build a home for herself and her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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