A loan helped improve my business operations and prepare the process for the next level.

Lizzette's story

I was born in Cochabamba Bolivia and grew up with my family (parents and siblings). My mother is a teacher and since I was a very little girl she taught me Math and Natural Sciences, this helped me to be promoted from grade to finish my school studies at 15 years old.
These experiences became my passion, so I started a professional career in computer science in my home country, and I got my professional degree in 2006.
While in college I became a single mother at the age of 17, overcoming many obstacles and working my way out.
After finishing college, I went on an exchange to the United States and worked as a software engineer for several technology companies.
This allowed me to analyze the problem that many people have in terms of time available to keep their schedules in good shape.
This problem helped me to think about my community and to find an easy and practical solution for those who have limited time because of work or different activities.
One of my greatest passion is innovation in technology making people's lives a little easier.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Inhauze

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: inhauze.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details