A loan helped to procure more resistant foil and seeds to cover the greenhouses.

Galina's story

Galina is a 46-year-old farmer from Vadul lui Isac village in the Cahul region of Moldova. She is married and has a large and united family.

In her household she has three large greenhouses, in which for five years in a row she invests in growing vegetables. The harvest she sells at the town market. This occupation is the main source of income for her family. The guarantee of a rich harvest depends not only on the work done, but also on many other factors. This year, due to the hail, the greenhouses were affected, one of which was totally destroyed, and the harvest was not as productive as in previous years. As a result, Galina did not get the expected profit, which would cover all her expenses, including the preparation for the next season.

Now, Galina is requesting a loan from Kiva sources to purchase more resistant foil and seeds. She wants to cover the greenhouses with foil more resistant to adverse weather conditions and providing seed for the next season. As a result, she will be able to be prepare the greenhouses for a new, productive harvest.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details