A loan helped keep delivering the best ceviche in San Francisco.

Juan Carlos's story

My name is Juan Carlos and I am a passionate cook. I was born in Cusco, Peru. I came to the Bay Area in 2017 with the idea of improving my life and pursuing my dreams.
I have always been linked to cooking, but since I have been in the United States I have discovered the fascination of preparing a dish and giving my culture to others.
During this year I decided to start cooking ceviche, the best dish in Peru. I never thought that this could be a real business, and now in just 5 months I created a logo, a brand image and I found my loyal customers.
This business has been an incredible adventure so far and I don't want to stop dreaming about what I can achieve in the future.

This loan is special because:

It helps an experienced entrepreneur serve their community.

Loan details

About Ceviche Pacha

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details