A loan helped to empower women entrepreneurs providing clean energy products in remote rural areas of Tanzania and Nigeria.

Solar Sister's story

More than 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live without electricity and rely upon harmful fuels for cooking, such as firewood and charcoal. Women disproportionately shoulder the burden of energy poverty. Solar-powered products can improve health, education, and incomes in last mile communities. However, there are challenges to access these households.

Solar Sister recruits, trains, and supports women entrepreneurs to build businesses and bring clean energy products to their last mile communities in Tanzania and Nigeria. The business model elevates African women and puts them at the center of the solution to expand energy access. Products include solar lamps, solar home systems, and clean cookstoves. An extensive distribution network with deep local expertise allows them to reach the last inch of the last mile. Solar Sister Entrepreneurs report increased autonomy, independence and self-esteem.

Solar Sister has reached over 1.8 million people across Africa with clean energy and supported over 5,000 clean energy entrepreneurs, 86% of whom are female. Learn more here.

This loan of $50,000 will be used to purchase productive use equipment to empower women entrepreneurs and eradicate energy poverty in off-grid communities. This is Solar Sister’s first loan through the Kiva Labs: Social Enterprise program.

This loan is special because:

It supports women with jobs selling high-impact products in remote communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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