A loan helped to purchase electronic products like electrical outlets, wedges, cables, and wires.

Óscar Antonio's story

Óscar Antonio is a micro-entrepreneur who is 56 years old. He is from the city of Cartagena, where he lives with his spouse. For 10 years, he has been running a service business dealing with the maintenance and repair of household appliances and sales of replacement parts for electronics.

The idea for this business arose while the client spent more than 12 years working in household appliance repair at an electronics store; he realized that although they paid him well, he could not advance there. Therefore, he saved up and subsequently decided to become independent, at first making home visits and later having his own shop, offering excellent service and affordable prices.

The business currently has 2 employees, which contributes to the generation of employment and income for families, and it is recognized in the market. This enterprise, during these years, has contributed to improving his standard of living as well as that of the people around him.

His cashflow was impacted by COVID-19, since he could not open the shop, and he has been getting by with a few home visits to regular customers.

For this reason he linked to the program "Cartagena Responds" in order to request his first Kiva loan with Fundación Santo Domingo, with the goal of covering the costs of utilities and rent, and to purchase electronic products like electrical outlets, wedges, cables, and wires. Do support him in this loan for his business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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