A loan helped to buy groceries and continue stocking their store.

Mayra Elizabeth's story

Mayra Elizabeth and her family live in La Sequita de Montecristi, a town known for it's famous Toquilla Straw (Panama) hats, which are appreciated both inside and outside of the country. It's inhabitants also work in agriculture and raising animals.

Mayra Elizabeth has a grocery store in her home, where she sells a variety of products for consumption like dairy, rice, sugar, detergents, soda, water and fish, among other things. She works everyday.

In the beginning, the health crisis was very bad because she wasn't able to sell, but now little by little she is restarting to be able to continue generating an income. This loan is to buy groceries and to continue stocking the store. Her dream is to have a larger store and that her family has good health.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Sindorf.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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