A loan helped products by the gallon such as degreasing soap and car polishing wax.

Cecilia's story

Selling household cleaning products was the idea of the business that a study partner and Cecilia C. Arévalo set up,fulfiling the dream of having a small business. But the company did not last very long and the latter had to continue alone with which today is called “Distribuidora Cecy”. At the start it was not easy, but as Cecilia's perseverence has no limits, she decided to continue and today after a year and a half she remains in the market with her own resources and with some financing which at the moment is valuable, because it allowed her to continue and now she dreams of changing to a more commercial sector in order to help her sales and income.
This is the first loan with a value of $700,000 COP that Cecilia has had with the Mario Santo Domingo Foundation, and with it she intends to purchase products by the gallon like degreasing soap and car polishing wax. Her biggest challenge was when she wound up the company and it cost her a lot of work to fulfill her partner's financial share, but today it is already a thing of the past and she has to focus on getting ahead to see her 8 year old son grow up enjoying good living conditions and progressing.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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