A loan helped a member to buy more sugar, milk, millet, ground nuts, tomatoes and other foodstuffs to meet customers' demands.

Nhyira Nka Boafo Group's story

Nhyira Nka Boafo is a group represented by Beatrice, who is a 34-year-old hard-working married woman with three children who are in school. The group members are dedicated and hard-working people with the purpose of improving their standard of living.

Beatrice has owned a foodstuffs shop for the past 10 years. She would like to use her portion of this loan to buy more sugar, milk, millet, ground nuts, tomatoes and other foodstuffs to meet customers' demands. The profits from the business will be used to increase her savings and support her husband to pay school fees.

In this group: Beatrice, Gloria

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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