A loan helped a member working capital.

G.s. Salmo 91 Group's story

This group consists two members. They have three loans and are one of the most responsible groups when it comes to repayment. Natividad has been selling general merchandise, such as clothing, cosmetics and shoes, for the past 20 years. She is 44 years old and she and her husband have worked hard to get their family ahead. Having their children come out ahead it a top priority for them. She is asking for this loan in order to buy inventory for her business. She sells her products in her neighborhood.

Marta also sells general merchandise and buys her products in the west market where she can get them for better prices. This way she can earn a little bit more. She also gets help from her husband, who works as a mototaxi driver.

Together, these ladies are asking for a new loan, now that mothers' day is approaching and they want to take advantage of this day and increase their sales.

In this group: Natividad Ivette, Martha Lorena

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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