A loan helped a Latina business owner to buy new equipment and design a new marketing strategy.

Rosa's story

I was born in Distrito Federal in Mexico. My parents were the most caring parents I could ever ask for that taught us values and morals. I look up to my parents for everything they stood for. I came to the United Stated when I was 14 years old by myself which my parents did not approve of but I was looking for new opportunity and a better future that I didn't think I would get. I came to the United States working at age of 15 in Los Angeles. I have been working own business for 18 years now on my company, Silva Cleaning Services, based out of Oakland which uses products that are biodegradable and not toxic to our environment.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details

About Silva Cleaning Services

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details