A loan helped opening of a women's section in a hair dressing salon.

Jivan's story

Upon serving two years in the army, Jivan B., a 29-year-old father, returned home and started a job search. He found a job at a small hair salon and eventually picked up the skills needed to become a hair dresser. Due to his sought-after skills and optimistic outlook on life, he established a small client base that enabled him to purchase a small salon.

He lives with his wife, their four-year-old child, his mother and sister. He is the main breadwinner of the family; however, his mom and sister help out with business.

Jivan’s salon currently serves only male customers, but he is looking forward to expanding his business to serve a female clientele, which has traditionally been a more lucrative endeavor. Jivan is looking forward to expanding his business to secure the future of his child and family as they continue their lives on the outskirts of Yerevan.

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