A loan helped to buy cups, spoons, plates and others.

Jennifer Monserrate's story

Jennifer, age 21, is single and lives with her parents in the canton of Jaramijo, known as the fishing creek.

Jennifer is an enterprising woman who makes an effort every day to support her parents with the household expenses. For that reason, she started a business selling disposables such as cups, plates, spoons and others.

She established a small shop in her houses from where she sells her products, but due to COVID-19 her business went down due to biosafety reasons and her incomes diminished substantially. That is why she is now requesting a new loan with the objective of reactivating her business.

She will use this loan to buy cups, spoons, plates and others. Her dream is to see her business grow and continue supporting her parents.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marila Arana.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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