A loan helped a former teacher grow his educational expedition business with equipment and space upgrades.

Marcus's story

I have been living in Tucson and exploring the Sonoran Desert region for 11 years. Originally from the UK, I moved here in 2009 and worked for 9 years as a public middle school teacher with a personal focus on environmental education, getting outside in the desert as much as possible. I loved taking groups out on expeditions and after importing our first 11 seater Land Rover Defender and using it on school trips I realized what a fun business it would be to import these trucks and lead trips in them.

I am motivated by introducing folks to unexpected and out of the way places in this incredible region. Doing so in classic old trucks makes the whole experience that much more exciting. I love the challenge of finding these old vehicles in obscure corners of Europe and managing their revival and journey to the desert for a new life.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details

About Sonoran Rovers

Industry: Transportation
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: sonoranrovers.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details