A loan helped to purchase a variety of fabric, thread, buttons, and lace.

Johana Del Carmen's story

Johana is charismatic, friendly and hard-working. She divides her time between being a mother and a merchant. She works making clothing.

She has experience with loans from Kiva and MiCrédito, which she used to purchase fabric to make blouses and, so, it helped her grow her business and she is grateful to Kiva.

She asked for another loan from Kiva and MiCrédito, which she will use to purchase a variety of fabric, thread, buttons, and lace to make clothing for children and to be able to keep her business active and with merchandise to offer.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to establish formal credit and create financial stability for themselves.

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