Routh is a Malian homemaker and illiterate, 38 years old and mother to six children. She has raised livestock for 12 years with the help of her farming husband. She has joined with RMCR to improve her occupation so as to make it her main source of revenue. Also, she says that she has had no difficulties with exercising her occupation thanks to the Lord.
On the photo it is only her with her sheep, due to Covid-19. She buys her stock in the village and environs and makes her sales on the local market. She can make 45,000 FCFA at a minimum for profit every cycle. The profits generated by animal sales serve to take in hand the education, the health, the nutrition and the clothing of her children.
Otherwise, Routh says that she is conscious of the sanitary crisis currently prevailing in the country.
Routh has the ambition of acquiring more funds to manage her livestock with the assistance of the veterinary service with the goal of introducing her children to livestock keeping.
In this group: Nana, Routh, Chata, Salimata, Yaya, Tabita, Karim, Adama

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Jennifer Anderson. View original language description.