A loan helped to buy products such as rice, sugar, salt, grains, oil, toilet paper, soap, sausages, etc.

Alba Patricia's story

Alba Patricia, 32, is a married entrepreneur who lives in the municipality of Malambo. She started her store business because she was motivated to seek other income opportunities for her family. Her husband supports her in this arduous work.

Alba is an example of much sacrifice, struggle and perseverance. She is very humble and comes from a rural area. Ten years ago she and her parents relocated here from Atlantico in search of a better quality of life. She sells basic products such as rice, oil, sugar, canned goods, sausages, personal care products, etc. Her main customers are neighbors, friends, relatives, referrals and passers by.

Due to the pandemic her business has been very limited but she has reinvented herself, changed her commercial strategy and begun selling door-to-door and on social media. She strives to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 because demand has increased and she is currently applying for a CrediKiva loan, her first through the Mario Santo Domingo Foundation, to buy products such as rice, sugar, salt, grains, oil, toilet paper, soap, sausages, etc.

Alba wants to increase her inventory to earn more income and her goal is to expand store infrastructure to increase her stock of products and satisfy customer needs.

Please support this loan which will be successful.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It gives youth without prior credit history the opportunity to start or expand a business.

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