A loan helped repair the roof of her house.

Juliana's story

Juliana D. P., age 58, is married and has two children. They are grown, and they work as bricklayers. They help their parents when they are able to get some savings. She understands the situation given the unemployment and low pay that exists now. It does not allow them to support the family.

She has had a tortilla shop for 22 years. For a long time this has been her source of income and support. It was with the help of her husband that she started selling tortillas.

Her house is very modest, and the roof is in very bad shape. That is why she is requesting a loan to buy construction material. This will allow her to repair and change the zinc sheets. This investment is urgent due to the winter season, which has begun. This is when it rains and the water leaks. It threatens the health of those that live with her. It also could destroy the furniture in the house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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