A loan helped us with the hiring of 2 full-time employees and inventory for projects.

Jennifer's story

I have always wanted to grow a cleaning business beyond my father. I grew up washing windows, cleaning carpets, and cleaning office buildings with my father. To this day we still do work in the private sector for local Dunkin Donuts, Subway, Payless, Stacked Pancakes, KFC, Popeyes, Footlocker, and more in Chicago, IL. Because I have recently relocated to Atlanta, my father is still in Chicago running the business however I am looking to grow in Atlanta through larger corporate contracts, government agencies.
What motivates me it not to see my parents have to "work" until they are 65 years old. My father never grew the business beyond himself because of his love. But I would like to leave a legacy.

This business started out and was passed down to my father and now to me. I have two children of my own and married. It's important that I teach them how a profitable business with revenue, team, and processes really works.

Most of my work background involves Customer Service Management, SOP development, team training and Inventory & Billing. All the other things needed to GROW a business beyond 1 person.

This loan is special because:

It supports a minority-owned business in its startup phase.

Loan details

About Gaddis Group Corp

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details