A loan helped me to purchase equipment and supplies necessary to get completely up and running.

Aeril's story

I graduated from Brown University in May of 2019 with a BA in Health and Human Biology and a BA in Anthropology. In September of 2019, I began working on my Master's of Biology at Harvard. Unfortunately, an accident at work in November of 2019 forced me to put my academic life on hold for a bit. While out of school, other important health circumstances presented some difficulties in resuming my education right away. In light of COVID-19 and the uncertainty that it presents, I decided to move back home and pursue something else in the interim. I have always been an organized person for as long as I can remember. Even as a child I enjoyed rigid structure and easily identifiable systems or methods. Starting a new semester was always my favorite part of school because I got to start fresh with a freshly organized system, new binders, a new planner, ect. I would spend hours labeling all of my binders, creating cover pages for each subject, using dividers to make the appropriate sections in each binder, and labeling the pockets of each binders. The only thing better than organizing all of the school supplies was the first day of school, collecting all the syllabi, and going home to sit down with the syllabi and my planner to mark every due date and test in the planner. I loved this part! Everything was so organized and perfect and having this all laid out made me feel like SuperWoman of the semester! I continued these little guilty pleasures even through college and helped many of my peers and dorm-mates adopt some of my practices, too. Often times people would thank me as they conquered the semester and better managed their time, avoiding having to cram for an exam because they were able to better delve out their time by knowing exactly what was coming and when. Can you believe that I gained even more expertise once I decided to make Professional Organizing a career? While in college, I began organizing paperwork and rooms for people I knew. I would pick up a huge bag of receipts, unopened mail, and other paper or forms. I would return this bag organized by item, category, date, and even personal versus business expenses so that my clients could then take the papers to their accountant for tax filing. For other clients, I would go into a room of their home and help them determine a system that works for their unique needs. When I returned home, I decided that this was my opportunity to try something new. After thinking long and hard about what I could possibly do, I realized I had already been an entrepreneur in many ways with the work I was already doing for a few clients. I decided to make it an official business and, thus, OneEighty Home and Life Organizing, LLC was born.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details

About OneEighty Home and Life Organizing, LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: oneeightyorganizing.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details