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A loan helped to buy yarn for her business.

Sabina's story

Sabina is 42 years old, married, and has three children. She has a weaving business that she started in 2017. Many people visit her to buy goods every day. Running her business has made Sabina independent because she can be responsible for herself and also help support her family.

She is requesting a loan of $1,000 from KIF to improve her weaving business. Sabina plans to use the loan to buy more yarn. She hopes to have a larger business in the future and would like to thank the lenders for this opportunity.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the means to grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (35)
  • A
  • Mission Belt Orem, Utah, United States
  • Sue melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • D
    Dick & Tilda Des Moines, IA, United States
  • S
  • Lorrin and Greg IL, United States
  • Soluppgangen Trollhattan, Sweden
  • Fiona Maleny, QLDQLD, Australia
  • Wilfried Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Christian Teller Helsingør, Denmark
Contributing teams (18)

Loan details

Mission Belt
Orem, Utah, United States
melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dick & Tilda
Des Moines, IA, United States
Lorrin and Greg
IL, United States
Trollhattan, Sweden
Maleny, QLDQLD, Australia
Antwerpen, Belgium
Christian Teller
Helsingør, Denmark
Local Area
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