A loan helped to invest in her food microenterprise by buying land for cattle-raising during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Genoveva's story

Genoveva works selling traditional Panamanian tortillas, empanadas, and tamales in Santa Librada where she lives, and in neighbouring communities of East Panama.

Genoveva is a founding member of the local community-owned bank of Santa Librada. She has played an active role in the bank from the beginning, showing always a high level of commitment, leadership and responsibility.

She has used multiple smaller loans from the community bank to expand her business in the past, all of which she has paid back on time, without exception.

Genoveva is requesting this loan to purchase land, so that she can invest and expand into raising livestock. Her strategy is to raise her own beef, reducing the operational costs of producing her empanadas, tamales and tortillas. Also, she would sell the meat to the neighbours of her community.

Thanks for supporting Genoveva and contributing to the growth of her business.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable women in Central America by extending access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details