Jacqueline is 39 years old and lives in the urban area of Guasmo in Guayaquil. Her husband works for a security company. They have three children. Jacqueline started her business one year ago so that she could contribute toward the family expenses and provide her children with a better life.
She remodeled the living room of her house and converted it into a small space for her business. This turned out to be a good decision because she now has a general store that offers both groceries and stationery. She works from 7am until 7pm every day. Jacqueline wants her store to be well-stocked, so she will use her loan to buy display cases, printing supplies, and groceries for her store.
In the future, she wants to expand her store and open branches.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.