A loan helped a member to buy more raw materials such as threads, bricho, dye, and rhinestones to be able to deliver textile orders on time.

M Activas Pena Blanca Group's story

Women are characterized by seeking commercial strategies and using existing resources to establish successful businesses, contribute to the family economy, and improve living conditions. This is true for Rosa, a 30-year-old married woman with no children. Her husband works as a bricklayer's assistant.

Eager to support her husband in building a better future, she decided to start her traditional textile business. She is a talented weaver on the backstrap loom, making beautiful huipiles, shawls, and belts. Weekly she delivers these garments to clients in the market of the Department / State of Sololá.

Rosa asks the Kiva lenders for her first loan to buy more raw materials such as threads, bricho, dye, and rhinestones. She assures that with this investment she will have the ability to deliver orders on time.

The seven women of this communal bank “M. Activas Pena Blanca ” are from the department (state) of Sololá and have little or no formal education. Thanks to the training offered by the Friendship Bridge program “Microcredit Plus,” they benefit from the monthly training on business, leadership, entrepreneurship, rights, self-esteem, and health.

In Rosa's words: "By having access to the loan, I also learn to give good customer service and avoid over-indebtedness. Every two months, I am treated with basic health services."

Kiva, in association with Puente de Amistad, helps these women open doors to development. Thank you!

In this group: Juliana , Rosa , Candelaria , Juanita , Maria Cristina , Santos Bernarda , Ingrid Yesenia

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details