A loan helped to pay for studies, to get an education and start working.

Akmaljon's story

Akmaljon is a cheerful person from the town of Gissar. He is 40 years old. Akmaljon is a married man. He studies in the correspondence department, but in his spare time he works as a taxi driver.

Akmaljon is studying to become an economist and concurrently works as an accountant at a school. He chose his profession a long time ago and is bravely moving toward his goal. He wants to get a diploma and work in his specialty.

Akmaljon studies on a paying basis and has to pay his annual tuition. He is requesting your help with this. Akmaljon will be grateful for the help and promises to study only with excellence.

This loan is special because:

It helps cover educational expenses for low-income students.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details