The communal bank Luz y Vida is located in the community El Aguacate in the Monay sector of the city of Cuenca. This city is well known for its natural beauty, and its mix of modern and medieval construction. This is why, in 1999, UNESCO declared this city a World Cultural Heritage of Humanity site. The buildings in the historical district are one of the tourist attractions, due to their colonial elements, offering carved wood and forged iron balconies, and the paving stones, among other things.
Martha L. is 36 years old. She is married and her marriage has produced three children, aged 15, 8 and 7. Her oldest son studies in a high school in Cuenca and the two little ones are in an elementary school in the area. She is very happy to be in the seventh month of pregnancy of her fourth child. Her husband has a aluminum and glass workshop located in their home, the fruit of much work and sacrifice.
She has been a member for nine cycles and she is a woman who works with her husband in the aluminum and glass workshop, without neglecting the housework, since she has to keep an eye on the children. The requested loan will be invested in purchasing aluminum to supply her business.
Her goal is to grow her workshop little by little.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue. View original language description.