A loan helped to buy cereals (corn and beans) to meet demand for cereals in her village and, through increased profits, to support her children.

Consolata's story

Consolata is a 43-year-old mother of 4 school-going children who always looks forward to a prosperous life. She lives with her family in Vihiga, a town surrounded by prime agricultural lands which favor large-scale grain farming, dairy and horticultural farming. She is a mixed farmer who has been in this business for the last five years.

Consolata is seeking this loan to buy cereals (beans and corn).

Her remote area, one of the country's most populated regions, has a high demand for cereals. This means that Consolata could increase her profits and satisfy the local demand. Accessing funds has been a challenge for Consolata. She was relieved to find that Juhudi Kilimo partners with Kiva lenders to help hardworking women farmers like her turn their dreams into reality through training and loan financing.

Consolata believes that this loan will be of much help to her, and that she will be able to satisfy the demand for cereals and support her children and aging parents. She is very thankful for your support and empowerment.

Show your love to Consolata this month.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details