A loan helped to buy costume jewelry and a greater variety of clothing.

Alexandra Monserrate's story

Alexandra Monserrate is married and has four minor children. Two are in primary education and two attend high school. Her husband is a civil engineer and taxi driver. They live in their own home in Portoviejo, a city which has been badly affected both by the earthquake of April 16th, 2016, and now by the Covid-19 pandemic. The city is rich in the production of vegetables, beans, and tropical fruits for domestic consumption.

Alexandra Monserrate makes her living selling clothing, women's undergarments, and costume jewelry, and currently she also helps her husband who has a taxi in a taxi cooperative. He makes trips both within and outside of the city every day, eight hours per day. She was doing very badly at the beginning of the health crisis because she could not go out selling her products, but now she is slowly reactivating her business so that she can continue to generate income. With this new loan she will buy more costume jewelry as well as a variety of clothing.

Her dream is to have a new taxi for her husband and she also dreams that her family members enjoy excellent health.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pamela Allyn.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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