A loan helped a member to buy more passion fruit.

Imbaraga Tcb Group's story

Chantal is 40 years old and married with four children aged between 10 and 18 years. Her husband is a security guard. For the past six years she has been selling fruits.

Chantal is the leader of the group named Imbaraga Tcb, which in English means “Strength.” Group members sell different items and own a variety of stores.

Chantal will use her loan to buy more passion fruit to sell. With the profits from her sales she will pay school fees for the children and put away some savings.

Due to the global pandemic Urwego was not able to photograph all the members but Urwego was able to get one representative for the group photo.

In this group: Edouard, Judith, Julienne, Pierre, Chantal, None, Pelagie, Domitille, Emmanuel, Madeleine, Josephine, Marie, Donathille, Elias, Alphonsine, Alivera, Felicien, Xaveline, Elysee, Michel

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

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