A loan helped to buy string, thread, canvas, fabrics, and other needed materials for making her products.

Lady Mildred's story

Lady Mildred is a single mother and has two young children. They live in Picoaza, a place known for being a very commercial area. This region was also severely affected by COVID-19, which resulted in deaths and economic losses.

Lady Mildred is a hardworking woman who continues to work hard to support her children, despite the difficulties she is facing now because of the pandemic. She must play the role of both mother and father at the same time. Lady Mildred and her parents manage a workshop at her their house where they make canvas shoes, curtains, awnings, and other items. They make these products to order for delivery and to sell to the public. Despite a drop in sales due to the pandemic, Lady Mildred continues to work so that she can make a living.

This loan will be used to buy string, thread, canvas, fabrics, and other needed materials for making her products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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