Marie Gaudence is 50 years old, married, and a mother of 5 children. Marie Gaudence and her team are very concerned about the well-being of their children, so they always work hard to improve their living conditions. She cultivates and sells maize. She has been in this business for the past 11 years and works with 1 employee.
Lack of capital prevents her from reaching her sales targets, which slows her profit growth. For this reason, she is requesting a loan to purchase more fertilizer, seeds etc to use in the field. This will help to increase her production and her sales. Any profits she will get from this loan will be used to pay her children’s school fees and she will be able to get basic needs for the family.
(Due to the global pandemic VisionFund Rwanda was not able to photograph all the members, but it was able to get one representative for the group photo.)
Marie Gaudence is grateful to the Kiva lenders for the support.
In this group: Marie Madeleine , Judith, Silvanie, Mukakamari , Valentine, Janviere, Jean Bapriste, Daprose, Bonifrida, Rosine, Marie Gaudence, Dismas, Patrick, Fridah, Ange, Josephine, Rachel, Delphine