A loan helped a villager woman to pay for the autumn’s season planting expenses so she will be able to keep providing for her family.

Rudina's story

Rudina is a 36-year-old villager woman from a small city in southeast Albania. She and her husband perform agriculture activities to provide for their family. They are happy parents of two little children and try their best to provide a good living for them.

Rudina plants different vegetables and has also a grape vineyard. To provide an extra income for the family, her husband goes to Greece seasonally to work in agriculture there. “During the last season I could not sell enough harvest to be able to deal with the needed expenses for planting the autumn season. I hope I can have your support to be able to continue with my agriculture activity and to keep providing for my family,” said Rudina during the interview.

Rudina thanks all Kiva lenders for the support given and wishes a prosperous new season to everyone.

This loan is special because:

It supports women in a country where financing options are scarce.

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