A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer.

05-Ndimbalante 04 Group's story

This group of women has been around since July 2020. They live in the same locality and have close family ties and solidarity. Their principle business is agriculture. NDEYE who represents this group is 20 years old, married and the mother of 2 boys. She is active in agriculture.
With this loan, she counts on buying peanut seeds and sacks of fertilizer for cultivation. After the harvest, she envisions selling her production at the local market at a good price, hoping to increase here revenue. With the profit, she intends to add to her savings and provide for the needs of her family ( food, health care, schooling for the children).

In this group: Seny, Ndeye, Koura, Diakhou, Seune, Ramata, Amy, Arame, Aram, Yama, Aissatou Khady, Fatou

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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