A loan helped to purchase beans, cheese, curd, trays of eggs, buttermilk, corn, salt, lime powder, and skillets.

Rosa Linda's story

Rosa has known business for some years since she had the need to get money to bring sustenance to her children because her spouse was unemployed and did not have other income at this time. She undertook selling tortillas, preparing ten pounds of corn. With the passing of the days, demand increased more and more so she decided to prepare a half quintal of corn.

She has already had a previous loan with these two organizations and trusts them greatly. At this time, she wants to diversify her business a bit so she has come again for the loans from Kiva and MiCrédito to purchase beans, cheese, curd, trays of eggs, buttermilk, corn, salt, lime powder, and skillets. In the upcoming years, Rosa wants to expand her retail space.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to establish formal credit and create financial stability for themselves.

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