A loan helped to buy flour for bread, yeast, sugar and other inputs; in order to maintain the production of sweet and French bread.

Diana Karina's story

Diana is applying for another loan, because she wants to stock up the inventory of her bakery with the inputs she needs to make bread. She will buy flour for bread, yeast, sugar and other materials. In this way she will maintain the production of sweet and French bread to meet the demand of her customers.

She was granted a credit before, which helped to strengthen the business and provide her customers with a better service. Nowadays Diana's economic condition is stable. As for the structure of her family group, she says it has not changed and that her closest relatives are all in good health and without any trouble.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers that are sole contributors to household income.

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