A loan helped to purchase more inventory.

Batirhan's story

Batirhan S., 52, is married and the father of two children. He and his family live together in a ger (the Mongolian nomadic tent) in Bayan-Ulgii province, Mongolia. They have been living together in their current home for 12 years.

Batirhan operates a clothing trading business at a local market called Tirlik. He has been operating his business since 1998 with his wife's help. In his business, his wife sells the products. In addition, Batirhan has been operating a taxi service since 2001 with his own car.

With the profits from his businesses, he built a house for his family in 2002. Batirhan has been planning to build a store with the profit from both businesses in the future.

He is a very hardworking person and focused on the future. Batirhan says, “I would like to successfully operate my business in order to provide a good education for my children."

He is requesting a 2,000,000 MNT loan to purchase more clothing from Taikeshken, a Chinese border town, to resell them to his many customers.

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