A loan helped to purchase more rice, meat and other ingredients to prepare cooked food to sell.

Kolu's story

This is Kolu, 30, from Liberia. She is a single mother with 1 child who is 9 years old. Kolu is a high school graduate. She runs a business as a main source of income where she sells cooked food. She has been operating her sales for 10 years. Her mother taught her how to sell and also gave her money to start the business. Due to the crisis in the country, Kolu's business is going slowly. She wants to continue selling, therefore, she applied for a loan to enable her to purchase more rice, meat and other ingredients that will be used to prepare cooked food to sell. In the future she wants to buy land and build her house. She is very grateful for the financial support rendered.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details