A loan helped to buy some decorative poultry to set up a mini-farm and build a small pool for them.

Tatiana's story

Tatiana thanks the Kiva lenders for the previous loan that helped her to buy seeds and repair the tools she uses for the work. Because of the loan, she was able to ensure a higher standard of living for her family.

Tatiana continues to work in agriculture. She maintains a garden plot, where she grows vegetables.

Not having enough financial resources, Tatiana requests another loan from Kiva. She wants to buy some decorative poultry to set up a mini-farm and build a small pool for them.

This farm would improve the financial condition of the family. She relies on help and support than can help her to expand her business and to achieve her dream.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details