Joffre Andrubal A. P. is 23 years old, single, and has three children: 5-year old Kimberly, 3-year old Juan, and 7-month old Sebastian. They all live in the San Francisco de Rumì precinct, about an hour and a half from the San Miguel Provincia de Bolívar County. Joffre is a member of the rural bank, San Francisco de Rumí pamba, which is composed of 25 members in total, the majority of whom work in agriculture. Joffre works in agriculture and is the main breadwinner in his family. The most popular crops in the area are potatoes, barley, peas, wheat, and corn. He sells his products at the Guaranda market. Joffre is seeking out a loan in order to be able to purchase chemical fertilizers for his cultivations. His objective is to obtain a better harvest so that he can improve his children's quality of living. The challenges that he faces are the increase in product demand and the lowering of market prices. During his free time, he helps care for his baby son, Sebastián.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.