A loan helped a member to buy agricultural supplies.

Mujeres Agricultoras Group's story

Idalia, 46, is a married woman with 4 children, 2 of whom are in her care. She is a farmer who cultivates staple grains (corn and bean). Her husband does agricultural daywork to cover the daily expenses, and she also occasionally works as a domestic. Idalia started farming when she was 21 years old, working with her husband. They started cultivating a half manzana [a manzana is about 1.7 acres] of land for their own domestic consumption. Now she has 2 manzanas of corn and 2 of beans, which is what she normally cultivates each year.

At this time, Idalia is requesting a loan from Kiva and Fundenuse to buy agricultural supplies to increase her yields. In the future, she plans to set up a business in her home selling tortillas and ground coffee so that she can generate extra income, since at times the winters are not good and she faces financial losses. This year the winter looks good, and she hopes to obtain earnings with which she will repair the roof of her house, which is in bad condition.

Idalia belongs to the communal bank "Mujeres Agriculturas," along with Keyla and Milvia.

In this group: Idalia, Milvia, Keyla

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers manage their cash flows and provide access to health insurance.

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