A loan helped a member to pay for peanut and corn seeds and some fertilizer.

05_Souaibou Group's story

Created in August 2019, this farming group is composed of six members living in the same village. They are united by ties of kinship and solidarity. Their main work is in agriculture. They are on their 2nd loan.

Mr. Abdoulaye, aged 38, is the group's representative. He is the married father of five children, including two girls. He grows corn and peanuts for home consumption and for sale.

With this loan, he plans to purchase peanut and corn seeds and some fertilizer for his fields. After the harvest, he is going to sell the produce at the local market at good prices in the hopes of obtaining better revenues.

The earnings will be go toward meeting family expenses and covering the children’s schooling and healthcare.

In this group: Souaibou, Abdoulaye, Mamadou Moussa, Manga, Bailo

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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