A loan helped my woman-owned business to overcome the difficulties held by the COVID19.

Carolina's story

I considered myself a proud business entrepreneur, with a professional background in the Compliance and Banking sector, with a passion for the culinary industry. I was born in the US and raise in Venezuela. I came to live to the United States 15 years ago with my husband Alejandro, initially to Miami, FL and we later relocated to the amazing state of Colorado.
We started the project of producing Alfajores, a unique and delicious sandwich cookie filled with Dulce de Leche, in Venezuela over 20 years ago. This is a family recipe that was created by my husband’s grandmother (“Charo”) with the most original and natural flavors that always make people fall in love with it.
Firstly, in Miami, we used to prepare and sell the cookies directly to family, friends, and for special events under the cottage law. Later, when we moved to Colorado, the production of the cookies was moved to a Commissary Kitchen. However, this process didn’t work for for our business as the consistency of the cookies was lost with the use of an extruder machine, the process was very tedious and the logistic of schedules on the commissary kitchen was not feasible for our family.
We have now reinvented ourselves and put everything that we have into our business. After several years of artisanal manufacturing of alfajores for sale, we are now industrializing the process (without compromising quality) so they can efficiently capture a sizable market share. We purchased a machinery that was specially customized to our recipe and type of cookie, and another machine for the filling of the alfajores. We are now looking to have our own space, and to purchase the other machineries that we need for the production (mixer, ovens and a packing machine). In addition, in order to comply with the production chain, the company need to produce from its own space.

This loan is special because:

It helps a business expand production without compromising quality

Loan details

About Charole's Cookies

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: charolescookies.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details