A loan helped a member to refinance debt and buy t-shirts, pants, lingerie, clothes for kids and teens.

Renacer Group's story

The group called Renacer is in the 10th cycle of their women's committee. It is from the city of San Pedro, and is in a zone in the process of urbanization, where everyone fights for a better quality of life for their families.

One of them is Sara, who works by selling clothes. She says that with sacrifice she has achieved with her family, to be able to give them a dignified quality of life. Despite the difficulties, Sara looks for ways to be able to get ahead and offer her loved ones all that she was not able to have. She is a business-minded person who, with sacrifice, earns a living day by day and says that due to the Covid-19 pandemic she was not able to work like normal and also was not able to cover her expenses.

She asks for this loan to be able to refinance her debt and also to buy garments to sell, such as t-shirts, pants, lingerie, clothes for kids and teens to offer in her store and with this be able to get ahead.

Note: Only one person appears in the photo, but this is a group loan. A group photo was not possible to avoid a gathering of people due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Francisca, Blanca, Juana, Liz, Antonia, Sara, Antonia, Graciela, Marciana, Celia, Lucia, Ceveriana, Dolores, Toribia, Alicia, Maria, Pelagia, Laura, Baleria, Graciela, Laura, Elida, Lisa, Yenny

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details