A loan helped to buy more materials and an extra sewing machine to expand her business.

Janetrix's story

Janetrix is happily married and has been blessed with 4 children. She runs a tailoring business and she enjoys it very much because it enables her to meet various basic expenses such as school fees and rent. Janetrix loves to interact with her customers well since it makes her job more fulfilling.

She is requesting a loan to expand her business. With her loan, she will be able to buy more materials and a new sewing machine that will increase efficiency and enable her to hire more labor. Janetrix will use her profits to pay back the loan. This loan will go a long way in uplifting her business and consequently her family’s living standards.

Her dream is to grow the business so that she may be able to give her children the highest level of education to enable them to be more prosperous in their lives.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details