A loan helped to buy blouses, dresses, pants, shorts and more.

Laura Del Consuelo's story

Laura del Consuelo and her family live in Manta, a place that is characterized by having beautiful beaches and especially by having delicious food.

Laura who, facing a difficult situation, continues ahead for her family's wellbeing. That is why she continues with her business selling clothes for children and adults. She used to sell as a street vendor sometimes, but due to the measures taken by the government for public health and the fear of contagion, she decided to do her sales from home. For her, this has been very difficult because her sales aren't like the y used to be, but she continues forward because this is how she knows how to earn a living.

This loan is to buy blouses, dresses, pants, shirts, and more. Her dream is for her business to progress.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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