A loan helped a member to buy a supply of 30 pieces of 'pagne' fabric to strengthen her initial capital.

Salama Group's story

Appoline is a client of the microfinance institution Hekima and is group representative of the banque villageoise Salama. She is 38 years old, married and has two children who are both enrolled in school. Her partner is a driver.

She established her business selling pagne cloth twelve years ago, using start-up funds she received from the Hekima program to support her business, which has been developing progressively. With this new loan, she will buy a supply of 30 pieces of pagne cloth, which will strengthen her initial capital. The challenge of her business is linked to unpaid debts.

She would like her children to continue their studies and wants to build a house. Finally, she wishes to thank Hekima and its partners for the support shown to business owners without access to traditional banking facilities in the context of the global crisis caused by covid-19.

The photo shows only the group representative because of covid-19 restrictions.

In this group: Anna, Jacqueline, Grace, Immaculee, Helene, Elysee, Appoline, Mukesha, Cecile, Regine, Kikuni, Chantal, Daniel, Amada, Chantal, Claudine, Marie Jules, Adele, Etienne, Eve, Martha, Kawete, Marthe

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Naomi Shamban.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details