A loan helped to buy pandanus (raw material from plants) for her weaving business.

Molimoli's story

Meet Molimoli. She is a 42-year-old widow with two children. They both attend a university.

Molimoli runs a weaving business, and she joins a group of women in their neighbor for weaving. Together they weave different products according to their needs as well as customers' requests.

Molimoli has taken on many challenges in life just to raise her children. She became a widow five years ago, and her weaving has provided for them since then. Her relatives help her by advertising her weaving to random people and other family members.

She is applying for a loan to buy pandanus (raw material from screw pine plants) for her weaving in order to weave more to be able to pay her children's tuition fees. Her dream is for her son and daughter to do well and finish their education and conquer good life in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details