A loan helped to purchase materials to manufacture 20,000 water purifiers providing safe water for 100,000 people and to invest in online sales during COVID-19 and beyond.

Nazava Water Filters's story

Worldwide, 66% of the population (~4.4 billion people) drink water that is unfit for human consumption. As a result, 26.3% of children are stunted and over 2,000 children die from diarrhea on a daily basis. The need for clean drinking water has only become more urgent during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nazava manufactures affordable yet high quality water filters, empowering households to purify their own well, tap or rain water. The purified water is 9x cheaper than buying and 3x cheaper than boiling water, hence households can save over US$100 per year using Nazava’s water filter.

Nazava has its base in Indonesia but sells worldwide. Today, half a million people use Nazava for their daily water needs. By no longer having to burn fuel or use electricity, Nazava’s water filters have led to US$9 million in household savings and a reduction of 105,000 tons in CO2 emissions.

Loan Use
For social enterprises like Nazava, access to finance is crucial for scaling up impact. This loan will help Nazava grow during the “new normal” by investing in online sales, specifically digital marketing resources as physical distancing guidelines restrict Nazava’s traditional selling channels. In addition, this loan will enable Nazava to purchase the raw materials needed to produce 20,000 water filters which will provide 100,000 people with safe drinking water.

This loan is special because:

It helps Field Partners withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Lenders and lending teams

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