A loan helped to purchase products for her business.

Fátima Beatriz's story

Fátima is 42 years old, single, and has two children, ages 24 and 16. The younger one goes to secondary school. They live in the lovely city of Portoviejo where the people are very friendly, responsible, and enterprising. This city has been greatly affected by the health emergency caused by COVID-19.

She is a responsible and very hard-working woman who strives each day to give her family the best. For this reason, she works in sales and has a business as a street vendor selling cell phone accessories.

Due to the lockdown, she was unable to work. This has caused her financial problems and to be able to subsist in this time, she got the help of her daughter who works for the ECU 911 [national emergency system].

With this new loan, she has planned to undertake a business selling vegetables, greens, and fruits. She will invest this loan in the purchase of products for her business. Her dream is that her business will grow.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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