A loan helped a member to buy some seeds and some fertilizer.

05-Tacku Ligueye Sagna Group's story

This group of 10 women has existed since June, 2017. They live in the same village and share bonds of kinship and strong solidarity. They have agriculture as a principal activity.

Ama, who represents the group, is 55 years old, married and the mother of 6 children of whom 3 are girls and she works in agriculture.

With this loan she plans to buy some peanut seeds, some fertilizer for growing, and she is going to sell [her crops] after the harvest at the local market for a good price and hopefully for a good income.

The profits will serve to diversify her business, help with the family expenses and to add to her ability to save.

In this group: Awa, Fatoumata, Fatou, Kewe, Awa Cheikh, Fatou Ada , Ndeye Arame, Arame Cira , Coumba, Rokhy

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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